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At Henao Dental we provide full-service dental care. Your health and well-being is our top priority.

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Exceptional quality of professional oral health, and dental services in Santa Clarita, CA.



A dental implant is an artificial tooth root placed into the jaw to hold a replacement tooth, denture or bridge in place.


Tooth replacement is possible without damaging the remaining teeth.


Our mercury-free clinic offers denture solutions to improve your smile and facilitate daily habits. Dentures are great solutions to injuries, gum disease, or natural aging effects. 



Overdentures are dental prosthesis that can be full, or partial and are implant-supported providing you with natural chewing, and biting capabilities for higher self-confidence, longer durability and improved facial aesthetics feeling like natural teeth.  


Our clinic will guide you through the process to provide you comfortable, and quality dentures according to your specific dental needs. 

Wisdom Teeth


Wisdom teeth may endanger oral health when they erupt through the gum and the jaw is too small to hold them, consequently misalignment adjacent tooth.  


These teeth may not come in a normal position, crowding the roots of other teeth and forcing them out of alignment, which can damage the bite.


Our clinic offers dental surgery to remove wisdom teeth with, or without conscious sedation as per the patient's preference. 



Braces, or orthodontics, specialize in the study and treatment of improper bites, which may be a result of a tooth irregularity, a disproportionate jaw relationships, or both.


At our clinic orthodontic treatments focus on dental displacement, and facial aesthetics bringing facial harmony for a perfect smile.

Pediatric Dentistry


Kids, like adults should be educated on the importance of dental health to learn how to take proper care of their teeth.


We provide preventive and therapeutic oral health care services for infants, children and adolescents customizing the delivery of dental care according to their specific needs.

PRP Therapy


Growth factors released from activated platelets initiate and modulate wound healing in both soft, and hard tissues.


Our clinic operates with all the safety rules and regulations to conduct this treatment to help patients in need of this type of therapy. 


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Service Hours

Monday/Wednesday/Saturday: 9AM - 2PM 

Tuesday:  9AM – 6PM 

Thursday: 9AM - 6PM 

Friday: 9AM - 2PM 

Clinic Location

25044 Peachland Ave, Suite 100

Newhall, CA 91321

661 287 4352

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